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Category Archives: Spiritual Fruit

Onitod – Loving [ Album: Spiritual Fruit ]

Loving is a track that is driven by an SH-101 lead, wrapped with EMU Audity 2000 drums, TR-909 drums, as well as a Kawai K11, Juno 106, and EMU Ultraproteus. This bold piece stirs up all the components of emotion to deliver a tasteful depiction electronic EDM piece. Loving is a wonderful trait, that has

Onitod – Good [ Album: Spiritual Fruit ]

Good, is a laid back, strong force powerful electronic piece. It is a slow-moving, yet incredibly vivid chords and leads thrive. This track features the Roland TR-909, JD-800, MKS-80, Kawai K11, MKS-50, Juno-106, Korg AX30G, Soundcraft LX7, Tascam DA-88. This song was mastered on Logic Pro. With elements of trip-hop, EDM, and other influences, it

Onitod – Grateful [ Album: Spiritual Fruit ]

Grateful is a powerful combination of sounds. From strong leads, to powerful driving drums and melody. The track is filled with vintage gear, featuring Roland TR-909, TR-707, MKS-80, MKS-70, MKS-50, Juno-2, Juno-106, JD-800, JD-990, Kawai K11, Emu Proteus. Amid the driving forces, there is a level of awareness of the themes direction, and reoccurring melodies,

Onitod – Temperant [ Album: Spiritual Fruit ]

Temperant starts off with errie sounds, and driving string section, as it pick up speed, it picks up analog vintage snyths. Featuring the Roland TR-909, Emu Proteus, Roland JV-880, Roland JD-800, JD-990, U-110, Juno-106, Juno-2, Juno-1, MKS50, MKS100, MC-50MK2. The song, climbs, and climbs building momentum, and finally reaching the end, and then resolving. The

Onitod – Forgiving [ Album: Spiritual Fruit ]

Forgiving, is a track, which is rich in vintage sounds. Starting off with the Roland TR-707, and JD-800, Juno-106, MKS-80 JD-990 and others. This song is to remember that forgiveness is a huge part of the spiritual journey. Forgiveness is not only to others, but also to yourself. We fail in so many ways, every

Onitod – Joyful [ Album: Spiritual Fruit ]

Joyful, is featured on the Album Spiritual Fruit. It is an electronic up-tempo song, that is sure to get you going. It is composed using traditional analog synths. Featuring a tr-909, juno-106, jd-800, jv-880, mks10, mks50, mks70, mks80, and other beloved analog synths, it uses the original hardware in the recordings. This album was recored